A conservation project for rare toads in the StädteRegion Aachen

Find out more, help us, and join in!
On this website, the Biologische Station StädteRegion Aachen e.V. (the NGO for nature protection in the Aachen CitiesRegion) provides information about the "LIFE Amphibian Network" project. From 2017 to 2025, we want to sustainably improve the living conditions for three species of amphibians: the yellow-bellied toad, the common midwife toad and the natterjack toad. This is because these species are endangered in North Rhine-Westphalia and in Germany, and their occurrence is also no longer ensured throughout Europe. The reason for the sharp decline in the number of animals is the increasing loss of suitable habitats. In the northern part of the Aachen CitiesRegion, small populations can still be found in former quarries, gravel pits and on pit heaps. If we want to conserve the animals in our region over the long term, we need to improve their habitats, connect them and conserve them through permanent maintenance. You can help us – join in!