A conservation project for rare toads in the StädteRegion Aachen

International Symposium on Amphibian Conservation
Habitat protection and connectivity for species listed under the FFH-Directive
The focus of the symposium will be on the project’s target species: Midwife Toad, Yellow-bellied Toad and Natterjack Toad. All three species are seriously threatened and listed in the Annex of the FFH-Directive. Their current conservation status in the state of NRW as well as in Germany as a whole, is unfavourable. Therefore, targeted conservation actions are required to stabilise their populations.
The aim of the symposium is to facilitate knowledge exchange on habitat protection and habitat connectivity for the target species. Invited speakers from german-speaking regions as well as the Netherlands will present their approaches and experiences. Central questions for discussion will be: What conservation actions are suitable for pioneer species? How and to what extent is habitat management necessary? How can a habitat network be successfully created?
Presentations will be complemented by field trips into the project areas of LIFE-BOVAR as well as LIFE-Amphibienverbund. Visiting the project areas will tangibly demonstrate what conservation actions can be implemented, often in collaboration with many partners, and what results have been achieved to date.
Thu, 19.5.: Evening function
Fr, 20.5.: Morning presentation session, Afternoon field trip, Conference dinner
Sat, 21.5.: Morning presentation session, Afternoon field trip
Shuttle buses to the field trip locations will be organised.
Venue: Mensa Academica, Pontwall 3, 52062 Aachen
Language: German – if you are interested in this symposium and you will need a translation in English or Dutch please let us now via info@naturschutzstation-aachen.de
Links to the symposium program, accommodation options and registration form will be published in February/March 2022 on this homepage.