A conservation project for rare toads in the StädteRegion Aachen

Become an active volunteer as an amphibian ranger
We train you – you help us protect amphibians
The habitats of the three species of amphibians in focus here require long-term care and maintenance. Volunteer amphibian rangers are to observe population trends, monitor the condition of terrestrial and aquatic habitats, report deplorable conditions and assist with actions such as counting, translocation, vegetation clearance and cleaning of waters in their assigned areas during the project, and particularly after it ends in 2025.
The Biologische Station StädteRegion Aachen e.V. has trained around 40 amphibian rangers in two training courses. No further group training is currently planned. However, if you are interested in this volunteer position, please contact us. Thank you for your interest. Basics and practice will then be taught to you via other rangers and in joint actions with the employees of the Biological Station.
Looking after a protected area, tackling care measures, observing and recording rare and endangered amphibian species, passing on knowledge and experience and inspiring others for amphibian protection – the amphibian rangers can do all this.

Bettina Krebs and Ulrike Klöcker
0049 (0)2402-12617-0 or Bettina Krebs -21; Ulrike Klöcker -28